Our Legal Status

  1. Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 vide Registration number 3 of 1993-1994 on 11th June 1993.
  2. Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976 vide registration number 104910098 on 29th June 2005.
  3. Registered u/s 12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961 vide Number 127/2005-06, on 27th July 2006.
  4. Registered u/s 80G (12-clause(iv) of first proviso to sub-section(5)) of the Income Tax Act 1961, vide number AAATR9762QF20211. On 24th September 2021.
  5. Permanent Account Number (PAN) AAATR9762Q.
  6. Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) BBNR01262C.
  7. Registered for undertaking CSR activities vide Regd. No. CSR00034599.
  8. NGO Darpan Number OR/2017/0150070.