Strategic Goal & Objectives

The Strategic Goal & Objectives of READ

  • Strategic goal:

    Facilitate the processes of social inclusion, equitable development by enabling community voices through collectivization, influencing policy development implementation for Schedule Cast, Schedule Tribe and Socio-economically Backward Community (SEBC), marginal farmers, women, youth and children.

    Strategic Objectives:

      • Strategic Objective-1: Promoting and strengthening Gender Resource Centre and gender vigilance committee and empowering community, engaging key stakeholders towards gender justice, equal access to rights and entitlement for violence free and inclusion society.
      • Strategic Objective-2: Promoting strengthening children governance, empowering community and village institution and engage primary and secondary stakeholders to ensure child rights and protection.
      • Strategic Objective-3 : Strengthening community and front line health workers and PRI members, engaging village CBOs to monitor grassroots health services and dialoguing with government line department to ensure healthy
      • Strategic Objective-4: Promote and strengthen Farmers Producer Company (FPC), engage Livelihood Resource Persons (LRP), Farmers Committee, strengthen community on climate adoptive agriculture and alternative income generation, market linkages towards food security and ownership.
      • Strategic Objective-5: Empowering women, CBOs and PRI members, establishing Community Monitoring Information System (CMIS), consultation with duty bearers for participation of women in decision making and effective service delivery
      • Strategic Objective-6: Strengthening community, facilitate and support for preparedness, establish coordination with stakeholders (IAG, OSDMA, DDMA, BDAM, PRI, ODRF), equip organisational contingency fund for disaster management.
      • Strategic Objective-7: Strengthening system, structure and policy, staff capacity, creating resource mobilization unit, knowledge management and promoting model.